24 June 2012

The castle called again

It's become a bit of a pilgrimage.  Long-time friends, newer friends, and friends-yet-to-be await me at the castle.  Each June we gather, tell stories, invent characters, laugh at our follies, learn from our mentors.

This year was the same, but better. God breathes life into the sandstone sculptures around the castle, dances with them in the morning light, sharpens them during the brightness of the midday sun and when evening comes, softens them with clouds bogging goodnight.

Every year, Angie--sweet, humble, gentle, precise Angie--cries because her heart is so full.  She teaches honestly and without apology.  She is a gem of a woman, and this year I grew to love her more.
Every year, Nancy--lovely, funny and oh so wise Nancy--stands up and provides backup to the theme song for the year.  She wanted to be a backup singer for the Supremes in another life.  She is fearless. She intentionally spends time with people, engaged and focused.  It isn't easy, and she does it with grace.
And every year, Kathy--quiet, nature loving, hike the hills Kathy--speaks from her heart the profound truths she learns on her walks.   She gives of herself in 20 minute bursts of brilliance.  Everyone who spends this one-on-one time with her walks away with something they can apply to their writing immediately.  She grasps concepts and story lines with astonishing speed.   She zeros in on weaknesses and strengths, and she does it all with such humility and kindness.

There are others, of course.  Mark who was my mentor this year.   Sue, who first invited me there.  Lee, who made me smile just by walking in the room.  Amy and her mom.  Kay and Loretta.  These are my people,  my friends.

I almost didn't go this year.  I literally decided to at the last minute.  For me, it was the best year yet.  I've learned that I belong at this place, with these people, learning these things, sharing these dreams and hurts and challenges.   The last thing we do as a group is sing "You are important to me.  I need you to survive".  We hug, we cry, we say "see you next time."   I am inspired and encouraged.  I am blessed.

As I was preparing this post yesterday, a fire broke out in Colorado Springs.  Our beloved castle has been evacuated, and I am so grateful that everyone is safe.  The fire though--2500 acres, zero containment--seeks to devour more.  One of the saddest things for me to read on twitter last night was "deer and other wildlife running in a panic through the forest".

I am praying for the people of Colorado today, and especially for my Glen Eyrie.  You are important to me. I need you to survive.

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