10 February 2012

Eight years, day four

It is kind of sad to be leaving our getaway place.  I am not about to give up one last go in the massage tub, so I start my day with a glorious hour there. To my surprise (but not to Martin's) I actually fall asleep!   As I am drying my hair, Martin comes to get me.

"Hurry or you'll miss them", he says so I come out with hair all askew and he takes me to the balcony and points across the lake.  Two deer are crossing the ice and it is breathtakingly beautiful.  I care not that my hair is every which way and that it's probably not going to get a lot prettier than that.  I grab my camera and watch.

They are tentative, slipping here and there.  Sometimes, I hear a loud cracking sound, and I realize that it is the ice responding to them.  It has been warmer than usual, and the ice is not very thick.  We comment that we hope they will not fall in.   One tentatively gets a few feet ahead of the other, and then returns to make sure his buddy is okay.  It is still early; the fog had lifted just an hour before so everything was in silhouette.  Step. Stumble.  Crack. Pray. Check.

We watch them for the better part of a half hour.  Reaching the bank, they bound over a shrub and disappear as though nothing of importance has just happened.


Two weeks have passed since that day.  I watch the video, look at the pictures.  They are grainy because of the low light, a bit blurry because I didn't use a tripod.  They certainly wouldn't factor in any photography contest.

As a life lesson though, they couldn't be more perfect.

Step.  Stumble.  Crack.  Pray.  Check.

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