06 August 2009

The best day so far...

Oh my goodness, what a day! I started out by making french toast with my buddy Brodie, and hugs from dear friends to send us on our way. Today we drove to Montana.

Montana! I'm really liking Montana. It is ruggedly beautiful. At Sue's suggestion, we took the Going to the Sun Highway, and my goodness it was gorgeous. I took more pictures today than the whole rest of the trip. Here is some of what we saw...

We also hit all kinds of weather. At one point, we were so close to an electrical storm that we could hear the static in the sky before it hit. What was strange about this is that we were exactly on the line of the front. The electricity was to the right of us. The sky behind us was rolling and pitch black. In front, it was clear and lovely.

I'll post more later--we have a long drive today. But I love Montana. I need to come back!

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