21 July 2009

Deals, deals and more deals

This morning we woke up to the beautiful lake, and our beautiful friends, and a gorgeous breakfast. We slept well, we ate well! Afterwards, we drove to St. Jacobs. We started at the farmer's market, where M found landjaeger sausage. He was delighted! And he ate them before I got more than a whiff of them (which truthfully, was probably quite enough). We bought cherries to eat on the way, and our friends filled their cooler with goodies to take home. My find? Stroopwaffels! Who knew that I didn't have to fly to Holland to get them?

After a morning that went by far too quickly, we bid adieu to our friends and continued west. We had a pretty uneventful border crossing, though we are not sure that the red jaguar in the next lane fared as well!

It didn't take us long to realize we were going south when we intended to go west--but after a quick (and much cheaper) tank of gas, we had it all straightened out again. We arrived in Birch Run at a reasonable time, and spent two hours at the outlet mall. It was productive--all the kids birthday and Christmas gifts done, which will be helpful when we take them home this week.

But we are tired, so now we are crashing at the hotel, ready to head out again tomorrow.

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