03 October 2012

Days when you know you matter

Some days its easy to feel like you haven't made a difference in anyone's lives.  Those days are lies.

Other days remind you that in fact, you have made a contribution to the world.  These days are truth.

After our trip to Boston, it was our great pleasure to attend the wedding of two young friends, Andrea and Matt.  The wedding was held at a church camp, and the guests' attire ranged from sundresses to khaki shorts, ties to tee shirts.  We gathered around an arbour festooned with brown-eyed-susans, a semi-circle where camp songs are sung around fires.  It so reflected their personalities.

Matt, the moms, the attendants all walked towards us down an aisle of grass and pebbles.  Andrea and her dad chose a route that God had carved with the river.  It was so perfect, so them.

For me though, the most poignant moment wasn't the vows (though they were wonderful) or the trio (though they played beautifully) or when Andrea lifted her foot up as Matt kissed her (we all laughed)  or even when her grandfather pronounced them man and wife.

No, the moment that touched me most was when Andrea got out of the rowboat, walked with her dad and her flower girl to the arbour but stopped along the way to split her bouquet so it could be shared with women who have impacted her life.

She gave the first piece to me.   This is the same young woman who sends me a mother's day card every year.
Thank you, my friend.  You have no idea what this has meant to me.  Take care of each other, and may the Lord bless and keep you.  Always.

1 comment:

ccap said...

Well that just gave me goosebumps! Sweetness.