29 July 2008

Looking back is looking forward

This weekend I had the pleasure to drive across the prairies again--for me a rather rare treat. Even more special was that my friend and her kids allowed me to go visit the place where my grandfather, two aunts, my great grandparents and my great-great grandparents are buried. It is a little tiny prairie cemetary where the tumbleweeds tumble and the swallows sing.
For reasons that I cannot express exactly, it is to me one of the most special places on earth and I was honored that the kids in particular seemed interested in what I had to tell them. After that, we went to the house where my great grandfather, as well as my grandfather, were born. To our great surprise, there was a man mowing the lawn and so we took advantage of this opportunity to talk with him for a few minutes. He allowed me to go see Grandpa's Cathedral--a grove of birch trees where we had church during summertime family reunions. How wonderful that he is interested in caring for the house, and restoring it somewhat. It was a lovely lovely visit.

And now, we are exploring my friends hometown. It is a weekend of discovery!

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