14 May 2013

Weekend at the Lake

Sometimes it occurs to me that we don't travel often enough.  Most often, that is when I'm updating the blog to talk about a place we've just been.

This weekend found us at the lake with some very dear friends. It was a good time of rest for us both.   Oh there is healing power in laughing with those who love you, a special balm when parts of life have been difficult lately. My friend and I rejoiced in the gift that our husbands not only like each other, but each of us individually as well. Each of us has things to talk about and things to learn from the other three.  It's easy, and I'm learning that there is great blessing in such a relationship. It further delights me to witness how much they love each other, for I know some of the cost it took to find each other.

Coffees and breakfast casseroles, laughing at movies and because of old German gentlemen, enjoying the strains of familiar tunes delivered in a new way.  We caught up with loved ones, and were humbled by an elderly soul who prayed "Merciful Father, you are a God of surprises. Thank you for the unexpected blessing of sharing time with these friends today".

A God of surprises indeed. There was joy in the goslings, peace at dawn, comfort in faithful spring flowers and even more comfort in heart-felt conversations.

Some days, it's hard to imagine that life could be sweeter.